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About Me

     So a little bit of background about myself. I am a third year electrical engineering student studying at UC Davis. You might think my personality is quite counter-intuitive given that my hobby is crafting. While my classmates are building computers and wiring breadboards on their free time, I like to crochet, knit, and sew. I included a picture of a bread board just in case you don't know what it looks like.

Typical EE student breadboard
     Perhaps the best way to explain myself is that I fell in love with crafting long before I knew I was heading towards engineering. I was first introduced to it when I was very little by my Aunt who loved to knit and sew on her free time. The pieces that she made were so intricate and beautiful that I was compelled to learn it for myself. We only saw each other occasionally so most of the techniques I learned on my own. I remember most vividly when I was trying to learn how to cast on for the first time. Back then I did not have the luxury of resources that are available now, such as YouTube and the internet was just in its infancy. I was limited to a small picture less book that was describing it using something about a bunny and a hole. It took me hours but I didn't give up and I eventually made my first cast on.

     Perhaps that is also why I love engineering. To me, I see many similarities between engineering and crafting. Both require creativity, tenacity, and a strong spirit.